
Skincare beginner

 Assalamualaikum! Hi! Welcome to my blog. First post hari ni khas untuk skincare beginner, macam mana nak start pakai skincare. Saya bukan aesthetician or dermatologist. I am just a skincare enthusiast dan ada pengalaman breakout terok dulu and recovered. throughout my skincare journey, I did a lot of reading, research, studied about ingredients and all to overcome my breakout and oily skin. so here in my blog, nak share dengan semua orang from my skin journey experience. I do really hope this blog finds you beneficial. So if you are a beginner in skincare, sebelum ni tak pernah pakai apa2 skincare sebelum ni selain cuci muka, mesti pening kan bila baca dekat insta or google sana sini macam2 jargon and terms advanced orang guna dalam skincare. produk dekat pasaran, drugstore, website dah lah banyak. tak tau nak beli yang mana satu. fret not, saya akan cuba untuk guide anda. this is based on my experience.                                                                      credit to pi